How Do I Get Rid Of Roaches In My Huntsville Home?

February 7, 2022

They scurry across your kitchen floors, and when you turn on the lights, they hide under your kitchen counters before you can catch them. You’re seeing more cockroaches pop up around your Huntsville home, and you’re starting to get worried. The only way to find out if you have a cockroach problem and eradicate it is to call the best pest control in Huntsville, Custom Pest Control. We know how to get rid of cockroaches in Hunstville quickly and effectively. 

cockroach crawling in kitchen

Are Cockroaches Good For Anything?

American cockroaches are certainly a household menace that everyone wants to get rid of, but is there anything cockroaches are good for? Believe it or not, cockroaches have a beneficial role in the ecosystem. Cockroaches are recyclers; they eat just about anything, including dead plants and animals and even animal feces. In the wild, roach waste nourishes growing plants, helping them thrive. Not only do cockroaches get rid of general waste, but they can also be healthy food for farm animals. 

Do Roaches Have To Bite Me To Make Me Sick?

Do cockroaches bite? Sure, seeing cockroaches around your house may feel unsettling, and you may think your health concerns should only be an issue if bitten by one, but a cockroach doesn't have to bite you in order to pose a health risk. If a cockroach does bite you, it can get irritated and swell up, causing a nasty infection. It’s hazardous for your health, but other aspects of cockroaches could land you in the hospital.

American cockroaches hang out in dark and dirty places before coming into your Huntsville home, leaving droppings in the spaces where they hide. Cockroaches also carry bacteria like salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. These bacteria are found on the legs of cockroaches, and those legs can brush up against the food in your kitchen, making you and your family sick. 

What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In My House?

A cockroach problem in your home means you need to know how to get rid of cockroaches in Huntsville, and the only way to guarantee a cockroach-free home is by calling the pest control professionals at Custom Pest Control. We know what it takes to locate your cockroach problem, eradicate the infestation, and make sure they never come back. You won’t have to worry about one of these bugs crawling across your kitchen floor when we get done with them.

How Do I Prevent Cockroaches In The Future?

You can do several things to prevent cockroaches from coming into your house. First, you need to know how cockroaches got into your Huntsville home., We already know that they like to hang out in dark areas, and that the sewer is one of their go-to spots. Cockroaches also get into your home through cracks in your foundation, by crawling up your pipes into your sink, or by hitching a ride on your grocery bags. 

What attracts cockroaches? People think cockroaches infest dirty homes, but that’s a myth! The cockroach is an equal opportunity pest and goes after both dirty and clean homes. They’re just looking for a dark place with some good food, and your Huntsville home is their next target. 

If you’re ready to get rid of the cockroaches in your Hunstville home, give us a call. We'll inspect your home, determine the size and scope of the problem, and come up with a plan to rid your house of these dangerous and disconcerting pests. 

Tags: cockroach prevention | cockroach control | cockroach infestation |

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