Pest Spotlight: All About The Huntsville Beetle

August 30, 2022

You probably know about many kinds of pests in Huntsville. Many of these home invaders are ones you'll encounter in your yard or inside your house, including spiders, ants, rodents, and wasps. But, of all the bugs out there, beetles are some of the best known, but you might not realize how to identify them or tell them apart from other small insects.

There are many types of beetles in the area. There are more beetles than any other kind of insect, and there are estimated to be around five million species in the world. Find out more about the beetles in Huntsville in this handbook put together by the Huntsville pest control professionals at Custom Pest Control.

a beetle crawling on dirt

The Different Kinds Of Beetles In Huntsville

Beetles can have a variety of markings and colors, and they can even have various body shapes. It's easy to mistake them for other insects such as true bugs, but mostly, you can tell beetles apart because they have a hard outer shell. These shells cover the beetles' wings, and they also have three body sections. These are the head, thorax, and abdomen. 

There are many varieties of beetle found in our area. Some of the most frequent include ladybugs, darkling beetles, dung beetles, and Alabama even has more strange-looking beetles, such as the stag beetle. 

Many kinds of pantry pests are beetles. These beetles get into stored food products, including cigarette and flour beetles. These pests can come in from the outdoors or ride in on food products from the store. The larvae eat the food items in your pantry, and then the adults leave after laying more eggs. 

Can The Beetles In My Home Fly? 

Most beetles can fly. Their outer shells protect their wings, and the wings are only visible when they're flying. Most beetles look rather clumsy when flying, and they aren't as likely to be seen in the air as other pests like wasps and house flies. Their ability to take flight does make it easier for them to get inside of homes. 

Weevils Vs. Beetles: The Key Differences 

Because these two names sound similar, you might wonder if there's any difference between beetles and weevils. The truth is that weevils are just a kind of beetle. Weevils belong to a family called Curculionidae, and there are around 1,000 species of these weevils in North America.

Like other pantry pests, weevils will get into various food items inside your home. And, like other stored product pests, it's the larvae of the species that eat food items. 

While weevils and other pantry pests generally aren't that dangerous, they are disgusting to deal with and hard to remove. 

Beetle Control For Huntsville Residents

While most beetles aren't dangerous, they can destroy property, including personal belongings, wooden items, and stored food. They often invade in large numbers and may overwinter inside the wall of your house. If you're struggling with beetles, beetle control experts are the easiest way to remove them. At Custom Pest Control, we are the Huntsville pest control professionals with the experience and tools needed to deal with beetles around your home.

While there are DIY methods of beetle removal, you might end up wasting your time and money. It's easier and more effective to let our technicians handle these annoying bugs. Contact our team today at Custom Pest Control to request a quote and learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services.


Tags: beetles | beetle pest control | beetles in huntsville |

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