Three Things Everyone In Boaz Ought To Know About Rodents

March 16, 2020

Every home or business owner dreads finding signs of rodent activity on their property. Whether they spot fecal matter, rub marks, or the rodents themselves, these creatures will cause chaos when they weasel their way into your home. 

a black rodent on a wooden plank

Common Rodent Species In Boaz

Here in northern Alabama, the most common rodents infesting your property include house mice, roof rats, and Norway rats.

House mice are about 2 1/2 to 3 3/4 inches long with tails of equal length. They are a light gray color with a cream belly. Like most rodents, they will eat almost everything that is edible including seeds, nuts, fruits, and crumbs on your countertops.  

The roof rat is the smaller of the common rat species found in Boaz. They are long and thin with a body reaching eight inches and a tail that's the same length. They have brown and black hair with a gray or white belly. Unlike its rat cousin, the Norway rat, the roof rat often is found in attics or the upper echelon of homes. 

The Norway rat is the larger of the rat species found in northern Alabama.  Its body reaches about 9 1/2 inches in length with a tail that is slightly shorter than the length of its body. It has brown and black fur with a belly that's grey or white. They prefer to live in damp, dark places such as basements or crawlspaces. 

Problems Caused By Rodents In Boaz

Rodents will cause structural damage to your home. Unlike other mammals, rodents have incisors that are constantly growing. To temper their ever-growing teeth, they chew constantly. They will chew through food packaging, wood, drywall, and even electrical wires. Not only will they cause costly damage, but they could also inadvertently start an electrical fire putting you and your family at risk. 

Rodents also carry a host of diseases that they can transmit to humans by contaminating food and leaving behind a slew of droppings throughout the home. In particular, rodents in Boaz transmit leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), tularemia, salmonellosis, and rat-bite fever. 

If you have a rodent infestation, these unfavorable results will likely lead to unwanted stress. Luckily, there are some strategies you can put into place to protect your home from rodent activity. Furthermore, if you have a rodent problem that you can't control, the professionals at Custom Pest Control have the solution you need.

Strategies To Prevent A Rodent Infestation

To protect your home from rodents, it's important to take a look at your whole property - both the outside and the inside of your home. Begin by inspecting the outside: 

  • Look carefully at the exterior of your house. Seal up any holes or gaps with a caulking compound. A small crack may seem harmless, but rodents are stealthy. They can chew through the smallest hole and find their way into your home through an opening the size of a dime. 
  • Rodents are attracted to places where they can easily hide. Store your firewood away from the foundation of your home to ensure that they won't move from your woodpile into your house. 
  • Clean up the clutter. Rodents will also hide in piles of debris throughout your property - whether its natural debris such as a leaf pile or left behind clutter in your yard.

Then, take a look inside your home. Try to establish a regular routine that helps keep rodents and other unwanted pests away. 

  • Clean up after every meal. Rodents will come inside in search of food, water, and shelter. If you clean up your food messes, they are less likely to find a sustainable food source. 
  • Store your pantry items in sealed containers so rodents can't chew their way through the packaging.
  • Clean up after your pets. You may be in the habit of leaving your pet's dishes out overnight, but rodents and other pests don't mind eating your dog or cat's leftovers. Store pet dishes when they are not in use. 
  • Clear away clutter. Rodents are always searching for nesting materials or places to hide. Reduce their opportunities by organizing your home. 

You May Find Yourself Facing An Infestation

Despite your best efforts, rodents still may find their way into your Boaz home. Fortunately, the experts at Custom Pest Control will come up with a solution that deals with your unique rodent problem. 

We will work with you and your schedule to rid your home of unwanted pests. Furthermore, we will offer helpful tips to prevent future infestations. Reach out to us today if you're worried about rodents in your northern Alabama home. We will find the solution that works! 

Tags: rodent control | rodents | rodent identification |

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