What Every Huntsville Property Owner Needs To Know About Rats

December 31, 2020

For many millennia, rats and humans have coexisted with each other, though rats benefit from this more than humans. Where humans go, rats go, following our food, water, and shelter. While we’ve domesticated some of these rodents, most of them continue to impact human livelihoods in negative ways.

roof rat in garage

Rats continue to impact how humans live their lives, including right here in Huntsville, AL. If you aren’t vigilant, a rat problem in your Huntsville home can cause serious problems. Here’s all you need to know about rats – and how to prevent them – in Huntsville properties.

Huntsville’s Rat Identification Guide

You’ve probably seen rats around Huntsville, though these rodents can be confused with mice and other rodents. All rodents cause similar problems and require similar removal tactics, but let’s make sure you’re worried about rats, not a different type of pest.

Like other rodents, rats have long, furry bodies, four legs, and small pinkish hands. They have narrow, triangular faces, and though they vary in size and color, they are notably bigger than mice.

There are a couple of different rat species in Huntsville, AL, including the Norway rat and the roof rat. Norway rats grow to around 11 inches long, have muddy brown coats, and are roundly shaped compared to other rats. Roof rats, by contrast, only grow to about 5-7 inches in length and are much darker and “pointier” than Norway rats. Finally, Huntsville residents may encounter the black rat. This rodent is similar in size to the roof rat but has a much darker coat and a longer tail.

Problems Associated With Rats In Huntsville

Rats cause two types of problems: home damage and disease. They chew through wood, wires, plastic, and insulation in your home just to build their nests. The repairs from rat damage can cost thousands of dollars and ruin your property value. Rats also spread awful diseases such as leptospira, Bartonella, salmonella, hantavirus, and the bubonic plague. These pathogens are spread in the following ways:

  • Eating your food. A rodent in the pantry can contaminate your food supply. 
  • Excrement. Rodents leave droppings wherever they go, spreading pathogens and odors throughout the home.
  • Walking around. Rodents spread disease simply by existing and moving around, and the longer they remain, the greater the risk of infection.

Clearly, rats have no place in your Huntsville home. So, how can you keep them out? Keeping rats out shouldn’t be time-consuming. Your best bet is to make your house as unattractive to rats (and other rodents) as possible. Rats are attracted to two things in your Huntsville home: clutter and food. If your house has a lot of junk or mess, such as piles of clothes or trash, rats may camp out and start their nests there, especially if they have access to the trash or pantry. Keeping your home clutter-free and making sure to clean your home of any food matter can go a long way in discouraging rats.

Despite prevention efforts, rats still make their way inside Huntsville properties. Because they can fit into tiny holes and reproduce quickly, rats easily infest properties throughout Alabama. A rodent population will usually grow faster than you can get rid of it, and DIY extermination efforts are rarely comprehensive enough without professional support.

If a rat has made its nest in your home, it is dangerous to try to remove it on your own. Contact Huntsville local rat experts instead. Custom Pest Control will make sure these furry pests never hurt the health of your family and property ever again!

Tags: rat identification | rat problems | rat prevention |

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